Friday 25 March 2011

Smoking Routine

Here's my smoking routine:

Score weed (obviously)
This isn't as easy as you might think, in our part of the world it's more common to get a half oz of resin  than a nice bag of stinky green. So we have to source our supplier with care. I like to think of myself as a weed connoisseur and like to know what I'm buying. My favourite strains at the moment are White Widow (who doesn't love to smoke this?) & Northern lights (smokes like a fucking dream). Grimble has just acquired a nice batch of blue cheese. Which he had to go above & beyond the call of duty to get. Well played my stoner friend.

I know a few stoners who have a "man cave" specifically for blazing & generally bumming around . These suit stoners to a tee. We can blaze in peace and should have enough in them to occupy our frazzled minds. I find big TVs & funny movies are a must.

Smoking buddies
70 % of the time I'll be puffing on my own. Occasionally I'll have my friends round (stoners & non stoners). The non-stoners have no option but to sit in a smoke filled room, which to be fair they don't seem to mind. The requirements for being a smoking buddy are not high but there are a lot of people who seem to break etiquette. I won't go into it here because Grimble has already posted blazing etiquette. Although, here's one: I had a stoner friend who found out that there was another stoner at his place of work. The topic came up & they were chatting away about various weed topics and this guy portrayed himself as hardcore. He then went on to ask my friend how much he could smoke in an evening (now this question to me screams amateur). My friend told him what we smoked when we got together and this fucking guy freaks out saying that we were bullshitting! What? He's just broke two major rules right there!
 My friend tells me this story & I say "well there's only one way to prove it. Let's have a smoke-off!" My friend relayed this info (challenge) back to his workmate and he couldn't make it round that weekend. That was fine, my friend told him it was an open invitation & he was welcome anytime. The only stipulation was to bring weed and that's just good manners. Needless to say he never came round. Ever!

This might be as simple as sitting baked playing Call of Duty, watching The Office (which is great) or creating a work of art while painting. Weed inspires! This is what has made Grimble & I start this blog. I like to write comedy too. You need something to occupy your mind while high. I like funny movies anything that gives you the giggles is a good combination with weed. Documentaries can be good too while high, you can really tune in on what it's about. I always make sure anything that needs done is done before I start smoking. There's nothing worse than being totally baked & realising you need to do something mundane like iron your work clothes or something else that'll take the edge off your high. You can have great debates with friends while high, the good thing about this is you almost always agree.

There comes a time of the night where you get that familiar rumbling empty stomach feeling. Time for some grub! You can't really go wrong here but I think the key is the less preparation required the better, so it's a good idea to be stocked up beforehand. When Grimble & I have a major sesh we usually call for a takeaway around the 2/3 hour mark. This involves phoning for a kebab which if I'm being honest we probably wouldn't eat if we weren't high. Each to their own on this one. I wouldn't recommend anything too dry or it'll just feel like you're eating cardboard.

So that's it. My smoking routine. All you need is weed, a place to smoke it with or without friends & something to keep you occupied & a good feed.

Keep blazin'

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